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Showing posts from February, 2023

Using Glfw Window Inside Pyqt Window

I have a user interface that I designed using QT designer, and converted using pyqt4. In this user … Read more Using Glfw Window Inside Pyqt Window

How To Get Input From User When Connecting To Remote Servers? [Python]

I need to connect to a remote server using a (non-python) script from terminal. $./myscript No… Read more How To Get Input From User When Connecting To Remote Servers? [Python]

IMAP Search For Email Address In The From Field

I am trying to search and filter my imap mails using python's imaplib. I am running into a quit… Read more IMAP Search For Email Address In The From Field

Detectron2 - Extract Region Features At A Threshold For Object Detection

I am trying to extract region features where class detection is higher than some threshold using th… Read more Detectron2 - Extract Region Features At A Threshold For Object Detection

Create Thumbnail Images For Jpegs With Python

As the title says i am looking for a way convert a huge number of images into thumbnails of differe… Read more Create Thumbnail Images For Jpegs With Python

Truncate Beginning Of String With Str.format

I'd like to allign a string to the right but have its beginning be truncated instead of its end… Read more Truncate Beginning Of String With Str.format

How To Add Dimension To A Tensor Using Tensorflow

I have method reformat in which using numpy I convert a label(256,) to label(256,2) shape. Now I w… Read more How To Add Dimension To A Tensor Using Tensorflow

Download A File (Python 3.4.1 Win8) With No Direct Link To Filename

I wrote the following simple code (with the help of stackoverflow, thanks!) to download a file from… Read more Download A File (Python 3.4.1 Win8) With No Direct Link To Filename

X-axis Label Gets Cut Off Of Graph - Python Matplotlib

I have in my python script this date_list = ['01/11/2015', '01/12/2015', '01/13… Read more X-axis Label Gets Cut Off Of Graph - Python Matplotlib

Comparing Data Frames And Getting The Differences With Python

I have two data frames as shown below. Where we have hours for a project by resources. One was the … Read more Comparing Data Frames And Getting The Differences With Python

Matplotlib's Ticklabel_format(style='plain') Is Ignored Or Fails For Logarithmic Axis But Works For Linear Axis

I would like to use ticklabel_format(style='plain') to suppress scientific notation on a lo… Read more Matplotlib's Ticklabel_format(style='plain') Is Ignored Or Fails For Logarithmic Axis But Works For Linear Axis

Understanding Tensorflow Binary Image Classification Results

For one of my first attempts at using Tensor flow I've followed the Binary Image Classification… Read more Understanding Tensorflow Binary Image Classification Results

Python Twisted: Restricting Access By IP Address

What would be the best method to restrict access to my XMLRPC server by IP address? I see the clas… Read more Python Twisted: Restricting Access By IP Address

How To Visualize Kmeans Clustering On Multidimensional Data

I am using kmeans clustering algorithm on mnist dataset and want to visualize the plots after clust… Read more How To Visualize Kmeans Clustering On Multidimensional Data

How To Name Pandas Dataframe Columns Automatically?

I have a Pandas dataframe df with 102 columns. Each column is named differently, say A, B, C etc. t… Read more How To Name Pandas Dataframe Columns Automatically?

Google Cloud Endpoints Generated IOS Client Not Working

I have a python webservice running locally using GAE Python SDK 1.8.3. After annotating the API and… Read more Google Cloud Endpoints Generated IOS Client Not Working

Python Global Scope Troubles

I'm having trouble modifying global variables between different files in Python. For example: F… Read more Python Global Scope Troubles

Slicing Elements From A Python List Using Boolean Indexing

I recently came across this way of slicing a list in Python. I've never seen this one before, s… Read more Slicing Elements From A Python List Using Boolean Indexing

How Can I Determine Whether An Email Header Is Base64 Encoded

Using the email.header package, I can do the_text,the_charset = decode_header(inputText) to get th… Read more How Can I Determine Whether An Email Header Is Base64 Encoded

Openpyxl Does Not Close Excel Workbook In Read Only Mode

I want to be able to read an Excel file in Python, keep the Python script running doing something e… Read more Openpyxl Does Not Close Excel Workbook In Read Only Mode

Pandas Dataframe: Replace Charactere Conditionally

I have a dataframe with a column named 'Size'. This column have some values containing the … Read more Pandas Dataframe: Replace Charactere Conditionally

Ignore Keyboard Input In Python While Sleeping

I'm having a code with a loop asking for some input and then sleeps for some time. The purpose … Read more Ignore Keyboard Input In Python While Sleeping

Is It Possible To Install Part Of Python Package Via Pip?

I have an internal utility library that is used by many projects. There is quite a bit of overlap b… Read more Is It Possible To Install Part Of Python Package Via Pip?

UnicodeEncodeError With Attach_file On EmailMessage Django Error

So I get this error when I try to send an email with EmailMessage in Django. UnicodeEncodeError at … Read more UnicodeEncodeError With Attach_file On EmailMessage Django Error

Pandas: Inserting New Row Based On Date Condition For Each Group

I have a dataframe like below: Date Group Value Duration 2018-01-01 A 20 … Read more Pandas: Inserting New Row Based On Date Condition For Each Group

Python Parsing String To Csv Format

I have a file containing a line with the following format aaa=A;bbb=B;ccc=C I want to convert it… Read more Python Parsing String To Csv Format

Tweet Classification Into Multiple Categories On (Unsupervised Data/tweets)

I want to classify the tweets into predefined categories (like: sports, health, and 10 more). If I … Read more Tweet Classification Into Multiple Categories On (Unsupervised Data/tweets)

Pygame Set_alpha Not Working With Attempted Background Fading

I've been trying to create a short code to use for a project that can fade in and from black, b… Read more Pygame Set_alpha Not Working With Attempted Background Fading

How To Customize Flyway So That It Can Handle CSV Files As Input As Well?

Has someone implemented the CSV-handling for Flyway? It was requested some time ago (Flyway specifi… Read more How To Customize Flyway So That It Can Handle CSV Files As Input As Well?

PyDev 7.3.0 Warns Uselessly About Iterable Unpacking With Python 3.7

Stop editing just to gain few points of reputations and not helping, thanks First of all, it does n… Read more PyDev 7.3.0 Warns Uselessly About Iterable Unpacking With Python 3.7

PyDev 7.3.0 Warns Uselessly About Iterable Unpacking With Python 3.7

Stop editing just to gain few points of reputations and not helping, thanks First of all, it does n… Read more PyDev 7.3.0 Warns Uselessly About Iterable Unpacking With Python 3.7

Splitting Groupby() In Pandas Into Smaller Groups And Combining Them

city temperature windspeed event day … Read more Splitting Groupby() In Pandas Into Smaller Groups And Combining Them

Flask-login User Is Set To Anonymous After Login

im new to flask and flask-login and ive been struggling with this for days. Im trying to log a user… Read more Flask-login User Is Set To Anonymous After Login