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How To Customize Flyway So That It Can Handle CSV Files As Input As Well?

Has someone implemented the CSV-handling for Flyway? It was requested some time ago (Flyway specific migration with csv files). Flyway comments it now as a possibility for the Migr

Solution 1:

After some shed of tears and blood, it looks like came up with something on this. I can't make the whole code available because it is using proprietary file format, but here's the main ideas:

  • implement the ConfigurationAware as well, and use the setFlywayConfiguration implementation to catalog the extra files you want to handle (i.e. .csv). This is executed only once during the run.
  • during this cataloging I could not use the scanner or LoadableResources, there's some Java magic I do not understand. All the classes and methods seem to be available and accessible, even when using .getMethods() runtime... but when trying to actually call them during a run it throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodError and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I've wasted a whole day on this - don't do that, just copy-paste the code from org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.scanner.filesystem.FileSystemScanner.
  • use Set< String > instead of LoadableResources[], way easier to work with, especially since there's no access to LoadableResources anyway and working with [] was a nightmare.
  • the python/shell call will go to the execute(). Some tips:
  • any exception or fawlty exitcode needs to be translated to an SQLException.
  • the build is enforcing Java 1.6, so new ProcessBuilder(cmd).inheritIO() cannot be used. Look at these solutions: ProcessBuilder: Forwarding stdout and stderr of started processes without blocking the main thread if you want to print the STDOUT/STDERR.
  • to compile flyway including your custom module, clone the whole flyway repo from git, edit the main pom.xml to include your module as well and use this command to compile: "mvn install -P-CommercialDBTest -P-CommandlinePlatformAssemblies -DskipTests=true" (I found this in another stackoverflow question.)
  • what I haven't done yet is the checksum part, I don't know yet what that wants.

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