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Loss Does Not Decrease During Training (word2vec, Gensim)

What can cause loss from model.get_latest_training_loss() increase on each epoch? Code, used for training: class EpochSaver(CallbackAny2Vec): '''Callback to save model after

Solution 1:

Up through gensim 3.6.0, the loss value reported may not be very sensible, only resetting the tally each call to train(), rather than each internal epoch. There are some fixes forthcoming in this issue:

In the meantime, the difference between the previous value, and the latest, may be more meaningful. In that case, your data suggest the 1st epoch had a total loss of 745896, while the last had (9676936-9280568=) 396,368 – which may indicate the kind of progress hoped-for.

Solution 2:

As proposed by gojomo you can calculate the difference of loss in the callback function:

from gensim.models.callbacks import CallbackAny2Vec
from gensim.models import Word2Vec

# init callback classclasscallback(CallbackAny2Vec):
    Callback to print loss after each epoch
        self.epoch = 0defon_epoch_end(self, model):
        loss = model.get_latest_training_loss()
        if self.epoch == 0:
            print('Loss after epoch {}: {}'.format(self.epoch, loss))
            print('Loss after epoch {}: {}'.format(self.epoch, loss- self.loss_previous_step))
        self.epoch += 1
        self.loss_previous_step = loss

For the training of your model and add computer_loss = True and callbacks=[callback()] in the word2vec train method:

# init word2vec class
w2v_model = Word2Vec(min_count=20, 
# build vovab
# train the w2v model
                compute_loss = True, # set compute_loss = True
                callbacks=[callback()]) # add the callback class# save the word2vec model'word2vec.model')

This will output something like this:

Loss after epoch 0: 4448638.5

Loss after epoch 1: 3283735.5

Loss after epoch 2: 2826198.0

Loss after epoch 3: 2680974.0

Loss after epoch 4: 2601113.0

Loss after epoch 5: 2271333.0

Loss after epoch 6: 2052050.0

Loss after epoch 7: 2011768.0

Loss after epoch 8: 1927454.0

Loss after epoch 9: 1887798.0

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