Getting An Attribute Of Grandparent Class Using Getattr
Solution 1:
There's operator.attrgetter
, but it's really not meant for this kind of thing, so the syntax is pretty awkward:
>>> operator.attrgetter('node.inst_base')(b)
But this is really quite unintuitive, so to avoid confusing people who read your code, it's probably better to roll your own multi-getattr instead:
defget_multi_attr(obj, attrs):
for attr in attrs.split('.'):
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
return obj
>>> get_multi_attr(b, 'node.inst_base')
Solution 2:
According to [Python]: getattr(object, name[, default]):
Return the value of the named attribute of object. name must be a string. If the string is the name of one of the object’s attributes, the result is the value of that attribute. For example,
getattr(x, 'foobar')
is equivalent tox.foobar
is not an attribute of b
, but:
is an attribute ofb
is an attribute ofb.node
So, you need one getattr
call for each "nesting" level.
Considering that I've pasted your code in the interpreter's interactive window:
>>> getattr(b, 'node.inst_base')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'ClassB'object has no attribute 'node.inst_base'
>>> getattr(getattr(b, "node", None), "inst_base", None)
Or, to take things further, you can create a getter that works with "nested" attribute names:
>>>defgetattr_nested(obj, nested_attr):... attrs = nested_attr.split(".")... ret = obj...for attr in attrs:... ret = getattr(ret, attr, None)...if ret isNone:...returnNone...return ret...>>>>>>getattr_nested(b, "node.inst_base")
>>>getattr_nested(b, "node.inst_base2")>>>getattr_nested(b, "node")
<__main__.Base object at 0x0000021A2A593D30>
But that's probably highly inefficient (and also, doesn't handle corner cases), and you'd better use @Aran-Fey's suggestion.
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