Poor Performance When Trigram Similarity And Full-text-search Were Combined With Q Ind Django Using Postgres
I'm creating a web application to search people with their properties such as education, experience, etc. I can't use full-text-search for all the fields, because, some has to be a
Solution 1:
Without the class code it's difficult to find the better way to optimize your query.
You can add a Gin or Gist index to speed up the trigram similarity.
You can build an annotation with the SearchVector as below:
from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import StringAgg
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchQuery, SearchVector
search_vectors = (
SearchVector('vision_expertise') +
SearchVector('bio_description') +
SearchVector(StringAgg('experiences__description', delimiter=' ')) +
SearchVector(StringAgg('educations__description', delimiter=' ')) +
SearchVector(StringAgg('publications__description', delimiter=' '))
Q(search=SearchQuery(search_term)) |
Q(first_name__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(last_name__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(educations__degree__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(educations__field_of_study__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(educations__school__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(experiences__title__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(experiences__company__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(publications__title__trigram_similar=search_term) |
Q(certification__certification_name__trigram_similar=search_term) |
You can speed-up the full-text search using a SearchVectorField
To find out about full-text search and trigram you can read the article I wrote on the subject:
Solution 2:
Add Trigram indexes in postgres to improve performance, ie for users.first_name and users.last_name indexing:
CREATE INDEX index_users_full_name
ON users usinggin((first_name || ' ' || last_name) gin_trgm_ops);
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