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Search For Certain Files With Specific Condition And Copy All Files In Another Folder Python

I have data like this; id record_id Type 2001 1 A 2002 2 B 2002 3 B 2004 4 A 2004 5 A 2005 6

Solution 1:




import os
from shutil import copyfile

import pandas as pd

rootdir = 'E:Files/user_data'
output_path = 'E:/Files/Test_Folder/'defpath_source_img(_id, record_id):
    global rootdir
    return os.path.join(rootdir, str(_id), '{}.jpg'.format(record_id))

defpath_dest_img(_type, _id, record_id):
    global output_path
    return os.path.join(output_path, _type,
                        '{}_{}_{}.jpg'.format(_type, _id, record_id))

df = pd.read_csv('file.csv')

ifnot os.path.exists(output_path):

for _typein df['Type'].unique():
    imgs = df[df['Type'] == _type]
    for index, img in imgs.iterrows():
        from_img = path_source_img(img['id'], img['record_id'])
        to_img = path_dest_img(_type, img['id'], img['record_id'])
        print(from_img, '->', to_img)
        ifnot os.path.exists(output_path):
        copyfile(from_img, to_img)

Solution 2:

I tried something similar and carried out few modification based on my requirement.

import os
from shutil import copyfile
import pandas as pd

rootdir = 'Mention the root directory here'
output_path = 'Mention the output path'
df = pd.read_csv('mention the path to the csv file')

If the name of the image is in number format then use this

df['id'] = df['id'].astype('str') 

defpath_source_img(_id, record_id):
    global rootdir
    return os.path.join(rootdir, str(_id), '{}.jpg'.format(record_id))

defpath_dest_img(_type, _id, record_id):
    global output_path
    return os.path.join(output_path, _type,

function def ensure_dir will create folder if required, if folder in the destination path is not available

def ensure_dir(file_path):
    directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

for _type in df['Type'].unique():
imgs = df[df['Type'] == _type]
for index, img in imgs.iterrows():
    from_img = path_source_img(img['id'], img['record_id'])
    to_img = path_dest_img(_type, img['id'], img['record_id'])
    from_img = '/'.join(from_img.split('\\'))
    to_img = '/'.join(to_img.split('\\'))
    print(from_img, '->', to_img)
    copyfile(from_img, to_img)

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