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How To Calculate The 3x3 Covariance Matrix For Rgb Values Across An Image Dataset?

I need to calculate the covariance matrix for RGB values across an image dataset, and then apply Cholesky decomposition to the final result. The covariance matrix for RGB values is

Solution 1:

Here is a function for computing the (unbiased) sample covariance matrix on a 3 channel image, named rgb_cov. Cholesky decomposition is straightforward with torch.cholesky:

import torch
def rgb_cov(im):
    Assuming im a torch.Tensor of shape (H,W,3):
    im_re = im.reshape(-1, 3)
    im_re -= im_re.mean(0, keepdim=True)
    return 1/(im_re.shape[0]-1) * im_re.T @ im_re

im = torch.randn(50,50,3)
cov = rgb_cov(im)
L_cholesky = torch.cholesky(cov)

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