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This code fails: import asyncio from motor import motor_asyncio _client = motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient() _db = _client.db users = _db.users async def main(): await use

Solution 1:

What the matter? I thought is a shortcut for this two lines.

No, it does much more. In particular it creates and sets an new event loop. And this is why you get error: AsyncIOMotorClient() creates some async stuff for default event loop, but another loop created by tries to use it.

If you want to preserve you should move init stuff inside main():

# ...

_client = None
_db = None
users = Noneasyncdefmain():
    global _client, _db, users
    _client = motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient()
    _db = _client.db
    users = _db.users

    # ...

It's a good idea in general to start things when event loop is already set and running instead of doing something at module-level.

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