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Triggering Events In Twisted From Another Thread

I have an application which, for convenience (I am reusing existing code) has been split into two different threads: one thread running the twisted reactor another thread running

Solution 1:

You should avoid using threads for this. See User interaction in twisted process for information about how to accept user input in a single thread.

Apart from that, use reactor.callFromThread any time you want to call any Twisted API from a non-reactor thread.

Solution 2:

I actually ran into this problem myself with Twisted. Thankfully after a lot of googling I was able to come up with this answer, works quite well actually! -


defstart(self, callable):
    self.callable = callable

defstartReceiving(self, s = ''):
    if s != 'exit':
        threads.deferToThread(raw_input,' >>> ').addCallback(self.startReceiving)

Then in the main -

getCmds = GetCommands()
reactor.callWhenRunning(getCmds.start, my_function)

reactor.listenTCP(PORT, factory)

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