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Django Urlpattern "didn't Match"

I have the following code in my urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^news/', include('news.urls')), ) When I try to open http://localhost/news or http://localhost/news/

Solution 1:

Looks like you forgot the url() function:

Try this instead:

from django.conf.urls import url

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^news/', include('news.urls')),

and news/

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
from django.conf.urls import url

urlpatterns = patterns('news.views',
    url(r'^$', 'news'),

Solution 2:

In which port your application launches? When I see your tries http://locahost/news it might be that you forgot to use the right port.

Try to visit http://localhost:8000/ and http://localhost:8000/news.

Solution 3:

I think it may be a problem with your this url on the django docs tells you how to dispatch the urls properley

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