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Questions About Compiling Python In Debug Mode

I am using Ubuntu 12.04, Python 2.7.3. I am having a segmentation fault in a C extension I have co-written. It seems to come from a pointer that was not free'd properly. I then u

Solution 1:

Here are some inputs for anyone trying to compile Python in debug mode on Ubuntu:

  1. Download the version you need from the python website.
  2. Untar it using tar -xf and go to the new directory.

    Example: tar -xf Python2.7.3.tgz cd Python-2.7.3

  3. Configure your python installer for debug mode, using ./configure --with-pydebug. It will create a Makefile that you will just have to run.

  4. Compile the sources to create your new python interpreter by running the Makefile, using: make install.

As you create a new interpreter, your system's Python will stay clean.

If you compiled it using --prefix=/home/username/workspace/project/python/, you can now run your script with your new Python interpreter using:


Or, you can also add the shebang line #!/home/username/workspace/project/python/bin/python at the beginning of your script, give it the execute privilege (sudo chmod 764 and run it more easily using your new Python interpreter by typing ./

Note: you may want to check Python's documentation for more configuring / compiling flags (such as --prefix / -j, thanks Chris for the link).

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