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How To Add Randomly Generated Characters In Specific Locations In A String?

I am working on a problem that requires me to read a string from the file and: Reverse it An integer encryption strength will be defined. It can be set to any integer value betwee

Solution 1:

This will work fine:

importstring, random
def encrypt():
    data = "hello"
    content = data[::-1]

    encryption_str = 2

    characters = string.ascii_uppercase +string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits
    res = ""
    for i in range(1,len(content)):
        for j in range(encryption_str):




Solution 2:

Some issues:

  • With random.choice(characters).join you are generating one random character and use that as (repeated) separator. Instead you would need to repeatedly generate a new random character

  • With content[i:i + encryption_str] you are slicing characters from the input string that are thus not separated.

Here is how you could do it with list comprehension:

res = content[0] + "".join(
        ch + "".join(random.choice(characters) for _ inrange(strength))
        for ch in content[1:]

Solution 3:

You're making this way too hard. All you need is a loop or comprehension that iterates through your content, inserting a pair of random characters. Since your purpose is obfuscation, rather than anything truly cryptic, I expect that you don't need replacement -- it's okay if you don't have a pair of identical characters inserted. This lets you take a slight shortcut with random.sample.

content = "olleh"
result= [content[0]]

forcharin content[1:]:
        result.extend(random.sample(characters, 2))




I'll leave you to collapse it back to a one-liner.

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