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Read A File 8 Lines At A Time Python

Hello I am trying to read a file in Python 8 lines at a time and use the current 8 lines as str variables However I am unable to do this correctly and would appreciate any help wit

Solution 1:

Using the usual n things at a time pattern

from itertools import izip

withopen("test.txt") as f:
    line_gen = izip(*[f]*8)
    for lines in line_gen:
        print lines
        firstname, lastname, email, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth = lines

Solution 2:

A simple implementation using itertools.islice

from itertools import islice
withopen("test.txt") as fin:
            data =  islice(fin, 0, 8)

            firstname = next(data)
            lastname = next(data)
            email = next(data)
            #.....except StopIteration:

A better more pythonic implementation

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> records = namedtuple('record',
                  ('firstname','lastname','email'#, .....
>>> withopen("test.txt") as fin:
            data =  islice(fin, 0, 3)

            data = record(*data)
            print data.firstname, data.lastname, #.......except (StopIteration, TypeError):

Solution 3:

How about this :-

withopen("test.txt", 'r') as infile:
    lines_gen = infile.readlines()
    for i inrange(0, len(lines_gen), 8):
        (firstname, lastname, email, etc1, ..) = lines_gen[i:i+8]


Solution 4:

Try this:

every_eight = []
lines = open('test.txt').readlines()
j = 0for n in range(0, len(lines) +1, 8):
    every_eight.append(''.join([lines[l] for l in range(j, n)]))
    j = n

By the way, if you're trying to accept mass input for tons of people or something, you could try using dictionaires in a list like this:

info = []

every_eight = []
lines = open('test.txt').readlines()
j = 0for n in range(0, len(lines) +1, 8):
    every_eight.append([lines[l] for l in range(j, n)])
    j = n

for setinf in every_eight:
    iflen(setinf) == 8:
                'firstname': setinf[0],
                'lastname' : setinf[1],
                'email'    : setinf[2],

for inf in info:
    print inf

Solution 5:

withopen("test.txt", 'r') as infile:
    it = iter(infile)
        lines_list = []
            for i inrange(8):
        except StopIteration:
            iflen(lines_list) == 0:
                breakfor eight_lines in lines_list:
            # Do something with eight_lines[0:8]

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