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Problem Treating .csv File Datas In Python

I am working with Python 2.7 under Ubuntu 18.04 and I am treating some datas from a .csv file. In order to pass them in my script, I need to have them in a list in a specific forma

Solution 1:

Your file consists of tuple-literals, it's not really well-formatted csv data. ast.literal_eval will serve you better than the csv module here.


$ cat logsTESTII.csv 
('15', '10', '11', '17')
('18', '18', '17', '18')
('12', '17', '17', '18')
('14', '12', '17', '14')
('15', '11', '19', '17')
$ python2.7>>> from ast import literal_eval
>>> withopen('logsTESTII.csv') as f:
...     data = [literal_eval(line) for line in f]
... >>> data
[('15', '10', '11', '17'),
 ('18', '18', '17', '18'),
 ('12', '17', '17', '18'),
 ('14', '12', '17', '14'),
 ('15', '11', '19', '17')]

Solution 2:

Seems to me that you misunderstood the .csv file index. A row in your file looks like this:

('15', '10', '11', '17');

But I think a row should look like this, what could explain what python did weird things:

15, 10, 11, 17

Sincerly, Chris Fowl.

Solution 3:

  1. The delimiter parameter refers to the delimiter for each field, not each line. So the delimiter here is , not ;.
  2. Your file is not a well-formatted csv, so if I knew the structure of the file and had to create a csv, this is what I would do:

with open('logsTESTII.csv') as f, open('out.csv', 'w') as of: for line in f: line = line.replace(";", "").replace(")", "").replace("(", "") of.write(line)

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