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Pandas Dataframe To Excel With Defined Name Range

I want to write multiple df of varying sizes to Excel as my code runs. Some tables will contain source data, and other tables will contain Excel formulas that operate on that sou

Solution 1:

The "xlsxwriter" library allows you to create an Excel Data Table, so I wrote the following function to take a DataFrame, write it to Excel, and then transform the data to a Data Table.

def dataframe_to_excel_table(df, xl_file, xl_tablename, xl_sheet='Sheet1'):
    Pass a dataframe, filename, name of table and Excel sheet name.
    Save an excel file of the df, formatted as a named Excel 'Data table'
    * Requires "xlsxwriter" library ($ pip install XlsxWriter)

    :param df: a Pandas dataframe object
    :param xl_file: File name of Excel file to create
    :param xl_sheet: String containing sheet/tab name
    :param xl_tablename: Data table name in the excel file
    :return: Nothing / New Excel file

    # Excel doesn't like multi-indexed df's. Convert to 1 value per column/row
    #   See
    df.reset_index(inplace=True)  # Expand multiindex

    # Write dataframe to Excel
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path=xl_file,
                            datetime_format='yyyy mm dd hh:mm:ss')
    df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name=xl_sheet)

    # Get dimensions of data to size table
    num_rows, num_cols = df.shape

    # make list of dictionaries of form [{'header' : col_name},...]
    # to pass so table doesn't overwrite column header names
    dataframes_cols = df.columns.tolist()
    col_list = [{'header': col} for col in dataframes_cols]

    # Convert data in Excel file to an Excel data table
    worksheet = writer.sheets[xl_sheet]
    worksheet.add_table(0,0,    # begin in Cell 'A1'
                        num_rows, num_cols-1,
                        {'name': xl_tablename,
                         'columns': col_list})

Solution 2:

I fixed this by simply switching from OpenPyXL to XLSXWriter

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