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Constructing A Python Set From A Numpy Matrix

I'm trying to execute the following >> from numpy import * >> x = array([[3,2,3],[4,4,4]]) >> y = set(x) TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' How can I ea

Solution 1:

If you want a set of the elements, here is another, probably faster way:

y = set(x.flatten())

PS: after performing comparisons between x.flat, x.flatten(), and x.ravel() on a 10x100 array, I found out that they all perform at about the same speed. For a 3x3 array, the fastest version is the iterator version:

y = set(x.flat)

which I would recommend because it is the less memory expensive version (it scales up well with the size of the array).

PPS: There is also a NumPy function that does something similar:

y = numpy.unique(x)

This does produce a NumPy array with the same element as set(x.flat), but as a NumPy array. This is very fast (almost 10 times faster), but if you need a set, then doing set(numpy.unique(x)) is a bit slower than the other procedures (building a set comes with a large overhead).

Solution 2:

The immutable counterpart to an array is the tuple, hence, try convert the array of arrays into an array of tuples:

>> from numpy import *
>> x = array([[3,2,3],[4,4,4]])

>> x_hashable = map(tuple, x)

>> y = set(x_hashable)
set([(3, 2, 3), (4, 4, 4)])

Solution 3:

The above answers work if you want to create a set out of the elements contained in an ndarray, but if you want to create a set of ndarray objects – or use ndarray objects as keys in a dictionary – then you'll have to provide a hashable wrapper for them. See the code below for a simple example:

from hashlib import sha1

from numpy importall, array, uint8

    r'''Hashable wrapper for ndarray objects.

        Instances of ndarray are not hashable, meaning they cannot be added to
        sets, nor used as keys in dictionaries. This is by design - ndarray
        objects are mutable, and therefore cannot reliably implement the
        __hash__() method.

        The hashable class allows a way around this limitation. It implements
        the required methods for hashable objects in terms of an encapsulated
        ndarray object. This can be either a copied instance (which is safer)
        or the original object (which requires the user to be careful enough
        not to modify it).
    '''def__init__(self, wrapped, tight=False):
        r'''Creates a new hashable object encapsulating an ndarray.

                The wrapped ndarray.

                Optional. If True, a copy of the input ndaray is created.
                Defaults to False.
        self.__tight = tight
        self.__wrapped = array(wrapped) if tight else wrapped
        self.__hash = int(sha1(wrapped.view(uint8)).hexdigest(), 16)

    def__eq__(self, other):
        returnall(self.__wrapped == other.__wrapped)

        return self.__hashdefunwrap(self):
        r'''Returns the encapsulated ndarray.

            If the wrapper is "tight", a copy of the encapsulated ndarray is
            returned. Otherwise, the encapsulated ndarray itself is returned.
        '''if self.__tight:
            return array(self.__wrapped)

        return self.__wrapped

Using the wrapper class is simple enough:

>>>from numpy import arange>>>a = arange(0, 1024)>>>d = {}>>>d[a] = 'foo'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'
>>>b = hashable(a)>>>d[b] = 'bar'>>>d[b]

Solution 4:

If you want a set of the elements:

>> y = set(e for r in x
             for e in r)
set([2, 3, 4])

For a set of the rows:

>> y = set(tuple(r) for r in x)
set([(3, 2, 3), (4, 4, 4)])

Solution 5:

I liked xperroni's idea. But I think implementation can be simplified using direct inheritance from ndarray instead of wrapping it.

from hashlib import sha1
from numpy import ndarray, uint8, array

        ifnothasattr(hasattr, '__hash'):
            self.__hash = int(sha1(self.view(uint8)).hexdigest(), 16)
        return self.__hashdef__eq__(self, other):
        ifnotisinstance(other, HashableNdarray):
            returnsuper(HashableNdarray, self).__eq__(other)
        returnsuper(HashableNdarray, self).__eq__(super(HashableNdarray, other)).all()

NumPy ndarray can be viewed as derived class and used as hashable object. view(ndarray) can be used for back transformation, but it is not even needed in most cases.

>>>a = array([1,2,3])>>>b = array([2,3,4])>>>c = array([1,2,3])>>>s = set()>>>s.add(a.view(HashableNdarray))>>>s.add(b.view(HashableNdarray))>>>s.add(c.view(HashableNdarray))>>>print(s)
{HashableNdarray([2, 3, 4]), HashableNdarray([1, 2, 3])}
>>>d = next(iter(s))>>>print(d == a)
[False False False]
>>>import ctypes>>>print(d.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)))
<__main__.LP_c_double object at 0x7f99f4dbe488>

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