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Odoo, Create() Missing 1 Required Positional Argument: 'vals'

I've inherited create function for account_analytic_line. The logic there is that if the field support_ticket_id is coming on vals dictionary, it will execute all the code inside t

Solution 1:

Try with code:

@api.modeldefcreate(self, vals):
    if vals.get("support_ticket_id"):
        ticket_id = vals.get("support_ticket_id")
        ticket = self.env[''].browse(ticket_id)
        if ticket.analytic_account_id:
            vals['account_id'] =
    res = super(AccountAnalyticLine, self).create(vals)
    return res

Few points improved:

  • if you have integer ID of ticket, we can use browse method.
  • unnecessary use of for loop

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