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How To Assign A User A Role In A Server From A Direct Message

So I am trying to make a bot where if a user direct messages the bot, it will give them a role in a server that both the user and the bot are in. I tried to just add the role based

Solution 1:

Here we record the ids and then access the appropriate objects when we recieve the command.

target_server_id = "123..."
target_role_id   = "456..."

async def gimmieRole(ctx):
    if not
        await bot.say("Private command only")
    server = await bot.get_Server(target_server_id)
    role = discord.utils.get(server.roles, id=target_role_id)
    member = server.get_member(
    if member:
        await bot.add_roles(member, role)
        await bot.say("You are not a member")

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