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Tkinter Create Image Function Error (pyimage1 Does Not Exist)

I'm a student from the outside world with no previous programming experience. I have been learning Python as an extension of my math class. I have been trying to create a program t

Solution 1:

Have a try and define a master:

PhotoImage(master = canvas, width = WIDTH, height = HEIGHT)

If you do not define a master then this image uses the first Tk() which is created and if that Tk is deleted there is no image to display.

Tell me if it works, I am guessing.

Solution 2:

Okay, I thanks for the input, people! I managed to fix it by changing the window = Tk() into window = Toplevel and replacing anchor = tkinter.NW to anchor = NW. Now it runs exactly how I intended it. On to finish the input GUI! :D

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