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Python + Beautifulsoup: How To Get Wrapper Out Of Html Based On Text?

Would like to get the wrapper of a key text. For example, in HTML: …
… An

Solution 1:

# coding: utf-8

html_doc = """
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title> Last chicken leg on stock! Only 500$ !!! </title>
    <div id="layer1" class="class1">
        <div id="layer2" class="class2">
            <div id="layer3" class="class3">
                <div id="layer4" class="class4">
                    <div id="layer5" class="class5">
                      <p>My chicken has <span style="color:blue">ONE</span> leg :P</p>
                        <div id="layer6" class="class6">
                            <div id="layer7" class="class7">
                              <div id="chicken_surname" class="chicken">eat me</div>
                                <div id="layer8" class="class8">

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
import re
soup = BS(html_doc, "lxml")

# (tag -> text) direction is pretty obvious that way
tag = soup.find('div', class_="chicken")
tag2 = soup.find('div', {'id':"chicken_surname"})
print('\n###### by_cls:')
print('\n###### by_id:')

# but can be tricky when need to find tag by substring
tag_by_str = soup.find(string="eat me")
tag_by_sub = soup.find(string="eat")
tag_by_resub = soup.find(string=re.compile("eat"))
print('\n###### tag_by_str:')
print('\n###### tag_by_sub:')
print('\n###### tag_by_resub:')

# there are more than one way to access underlying strings
# both are different - see results
tag = soup.find('p')

print('\n###### .text attr:')
print( tag.text, type(tag.text) )

print('\n###### .strings generator:')
for s in tag.strings:   # strings is an generator object
    print s, type(s)

# note that .strings generator returns list of bs4.element.NavigableString elements
# so we can use them to navigate, for example accessing their parents:
print('\n###### NavigableString parents:')
for s in tag.strings:  
    print s.parent

# or even grandparents :)
print('\n###### grandparents:')
for s in tag.strings:  
    print s.parent.parent

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