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Is It A Good Practice To Add Names To __all__ Using A Decorator?

Is this a good practice in Python (from Active State Recipes -- Public Decorator)? import sys def public(f): '''Use a decorator to avoid retyping function/class names. * Base

Solution 1:

The more idiomatic way to do this in Python is to mark the private functions as private by starting their name with an underscore:



More people will be familiar with this style (which is also supported by the language: _private_helper will not be exported even if you do not use __all__) than with your public decorator.

Solution 2:

Yes, it's a good practice. This decorator allows you to state your intentions right at function or class definition, rather than directly afterwards. That makes your code more readable.

def foo():

class bar():

class helper(): # not part of the modules public interface! 

Note:helper is still accessible to a user of the module by modulename.helper. It's just not imported with from modulename import *.

Solution 3:

I think the question is a bit subjective, but I like the idea. I usually use __all__ in my modules but I sometimes forget to add a new function that I intended to be part of the public interface of the module. Since I usually import modules by name and not by wildcards, I don't notice the error until someone else in my team (who uses the wildcard syntax to import the entire public interface of a module) starts to complain.

Note: the title of the question is misleading as others have already noticed among the answers.

Solution 4:

This doesn't automatically add names to __all__, it simply allows you to add a function to all by decorating it with @public. Seems like a nice idea to me.

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