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Implementing Disjoint Set System In Python

What I have so far is largely based off page 571 of 'Introduction To Algorithms' by Cormen et al. I have a Node class in python that represents a set: class Node: def __init__(

Solution 1:

Have you looked at any other existingimplementations?

Solution 2:

I don't have the latest edition of the book, but this doesn't look quite like a disjoint-set forest.

I think your mistake is to think that the forest has to be stored in a collection and that you have to traverse this collection to do the operations on the nodes. Remove set from Merge() and Find() and implement Find() as

def Find(n):
    if n != n.parent:
        n.parent = Find(n.parent)
    return n.parent

just like in the book. Then add a MakeSet() that returns a single correctly initialized node, and maybe a SameSet() function too:

defSameSet(n1, n2):
    return Find(n1) == Find(n2)

You now have a working disjoint set implementation.

Solution 3:

Presuming that each node is initialised to be its own parent:

    while node isnot node.parent:
        node = node.parent
    return node

Solution 4:

Using this implementation as a starting point, I've created a new python class to handle disjoint sets, which also supports persistence using a MongoDb.

With my class you should be able, for example, to:

  • Create an instance of UnionFind(), which uses python build-in dictionaries by default, and decide later to consolidate() your results in a MongoDb collection
  • Create an instance of UnionFind from a MongoDb collection and directly use it.

You might want to check the code on github.

Cheers, Simone

Solution 5:

The Wikipedia page provides pseudocode for the basic operations on disjoint-set data structure. Here's a direct port to Python (employs path compression and union by rank):

    """Represents an element of a set."""def__init__(self, id): = id
        self.parent = self
        self.rank = 0
        self.size = 1def__repr__(self):

    """Returns the representative object of the set containing x."""if x.parent isnot x:
        x.parent = Find(x.parent)
    return x.parent

defUnion(x, y):
    """Combines the sets x and y belong to."""
    xroot = Find(x)
    yroot = Find(y)

    # x and y are already in the same setif xroot is yroot:
        return# x and y are not in same set, so we merge themif xroot.rank < yroot.rank:
        xroot, yroot = yroot, xroot  # swap xroot and yroot# merge yroot into xroot
    yroot.parent = xroot
    xroot.size += yroot.size
    if xroot.rank == yroot.rank:
        xroot.rank = xroot.rank + 1


>>>a, b, c = map(Node, 'abc')>>>Find(a), Find(b), Find(c)
(Node('a'), Node('b'), Node('c'))
>>>Union(a, b)>>>Union(b, c)>>>Find(a), Find(b), Find(c)
(Node('a'), Node('a'), Node('a'))

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