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How To Use Wikipedia Api To Get Section Of Sidebar?

I have a command line program that gets passed in the name of a species (e.x. Fusulinida). It needs to return the plaintext of the section of the sidebar about taxonomy. I can get

Solution 1:

I hope this helps:

import requests, json

def getTaxonomy(title):
    r = requests.get('' + title  + '&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&rvsection=0&format=json')


    a = ''
    t = json.loads(r.text)
    for i in t['query']['pages']:
        a = t['query']['pages'][ i ]['revisions'][0]['*']

    taxobox = axobox = a[a.upper().index('{{TAXOBOX') + len('{{taxobox'):]
    taxobox = taxobox[taxobox.index("\n[["):]
    taxobox = taxobox[:taxobox.index("}}")]

    taxobox = taxobox.replace('[[','')
    taxobox = taxobox.replace(']]','')
    taxobox = taxobox.replace('<br>','')
    taxobox = taxobox.replace("''",'')
    taxobox = taxobox.replace("&nbsp;",' ')

    t = []
    for i in taxobox.split("\n"):
        if len(i) > 0:
            if '|' in i:                    # for href titles
                t.append( i.split('|')[1] ) # for href titles
                t.append( i )

    return "\n".join(t)


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