How To Convert Youtube Api Duration To Seconds?
Solution 1:
Python's built-in dateutil module only supports parsing ISO 8601 dates, not ISO 8601 durations. For that, you can use the "isodate" library (in pypi at -- install through pip or easy_install). This library has full support for ISO 8601 durations, converting them to datetime.timedelta objects. So once you've imported the library, it's as simple as:
import isodate
dur = isodate.parse_duration('P1W2DT6H21M32S')
Solution 2:
Works on python 2.7+. Adopted from a JavaScript one-liner for Youtube v3 question here.
import re
match = re.match('PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?', duration).groups()
hours = _js_parseInt(match[0]) if match[0] else0
minutes = _js_parseInt(match[1]) if match[1] else0
seconds = _js_parseInt(match[2]) if match[2] else0return hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds
# js-like parseInt#
returnint(''.join([x for x in string if x.isdigit()]))
# example output
# 933
Handles iso8061 duration format to extent Youtube Uses up to hours
Solution 3:
Here's my answer which takes 9000's regex solution (thank you - amazing mastery of regex!) and finishes the job for the original poster's YouTube use case i.e. converting hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds. I used .groups()
instead of .groupdict()
, followed by a couple of lovingly constructed list comprehensions.
import re
Converts YouTube duration (ISO 8061)
into Seconds
ISO_8601 = re.compile(
'P'# designates a period'(?:(?P<years>\d+)Y)?'# years'(?:(?P<months>\d+)M)?'# months'(?:(?P<weeks>\d+)W)?'# weeks'(?:(?P<days>\d+)D)?'# days'(?:T'# time part must begin with a T'(?:(?P<hours>\d+)H)?'# hours'(?:(?P<minutes>\d+)M)?'# minutes'(?:(?P<seconds>\d+)S)?'# seconds')?') # end of time part# Convert regex matches into a short list of time units
units = list(ISO_8601.match(duration).groups()[-3:])
# Put list in ascending order & remove 'None' types
units = list(reversed([int(x) if x != Noneelse0for x in units]))
# Do the mathsreturnsum([x*60**units.index(x) for x in units])
Sorry for not posting higher up - still new here and not enough reputation points to add comments.
Solution 4:
Isn't the video 1 week, 2 days, 6 hours 21 minutes 32 seconds long?
Youtube shows it as 222 hours 21 minutes 17 seconds; 1 * 7 * 24 + 2 * 24 + 6 = 222. I don't know where 17 seconds vs 32 seconds discrepancy comes from, though; can as well be a rounding error.
To my mind, writing a parser for that is not that hard. Unfortunately dateutil
does not seem to parse intervals, only datetime points.
I see that there's a package for this, but just as an example of regexp power, brevity, and incomprehensible syntax, here's a parser for you:
import re
# see
ISO_8601_period_rx = re.compile(
'P'# designates a period'(?:(?P<years>\d+)Y)?'# years'(?:(?P<months>\d+)M)?'# months'(?:(?P<weeks>\d+)W)?'# weeks'(?:(?P<days>\d+)D)?'# days'(?:T'# time part must begin with a T'(?:(?P<hours>\d+)H)?'# hourss'(?:(?P<minutes>\d+)M)?'# minutes'(?:(?P<seconds>\d+)S)?'# seconds')?'# end of time part
from pprint import pprint
# {'days': '2',
# 'hours': '6',
# 'minutes': '21',
# 'months': None,
# 'seconds': '32',
# 'weeks': '1',
# 'years': None}
I deliberately am not calculating the exact number of seconds from these data here. It looks trivial (see above), but really isn't. For instance, distance of 2 months from January 1st is 58 days (30+28) or 59 (30+29), depending on year, while from March 1st it's always 61 days. A proper calendar implementation should take all this into account; for a Youtube clip length calculation, it must be excessive.
Solution 5:
This works by parsing the input string 1 character at a time, if the character is numerical it simply adds it (string add, not mathematical add) to the current value being parsed. If it is one of 'wdhms' the current value is assigned to the appropriate variable (week, day, hour, minute, second), and value is then reset ready to take the next value. Finally it sum the number of seconds from the 5 parsed values.
defytDurationToSeconds(duration): #eg P1W2DT6H21M32S
week = 0
day = 0
hour = 0min = 0
sec = 0
duration = duration.lower()
value = ''for c in duration:
if c.isdigit():
value += c
continueelif c == 'p':
passelif c == 't':
passelif c == 'w':
week = int(value) * 604800elif c == 'd':
day = int(value) * 86400elif c == 'h':
hour = int(value) * 3600elif c == 'm':
min = int(value) * 60elif c == 's':
sec = int(value)
value = ''return week + day + hour + min + sec
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