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Client Side Validation In Openerp

I am still learning Openerp and please bear it if I asked something very simple. My issue is that I need to get validate two fields which represent start_time and end_time. both fi

Solution 1:

You should add an on_change function to your python code where you check if start_time and end_time is in the correct format. And in your xml you'll have to tell that the method should be called when the field changes.




the result should be something like

    if correct formatreturn {}
        warning = {'title'  : _("Warning for this value!"),
                   'message': _("Field not in correct format!"),
        return {'warning': warning}

This code should work for this issue

import time
            time.strptime(char_input, "%H:%M")
            return {}
        except ValueError:
            warning = {'title'  : _("Warning for this value!"),
                       'message': _("Field not in correct format!"),
            return {'warning': warning}

In on_change method, you can change field value

defon_change(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    # do somethingreturn {'value': { 'field_name': newValue},
            'warning': {'title': _("Warning"),
                        'message': _("warning message")

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