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Algorithm For Filling A Surface Mesh

I have a point cloud which describes a closed surface mesh. I want to create a volume mesh out of this: Therefore I have to append some points inside this 'surface-point-cloud'. Un

Solution 1:

Well I think you are approaching the problem wrongly

  • but I could misunderstood your problem
  • you have point cloud and want triangulated mesh
  • you can not add points at your will ... that just complicate things
  • instead find perimeter polygon
  • and then use triangulation on it

Recently I was solving very similar problem.

  • here:
  • it is finding holes in point-cloud and create perimeter polygon
  • unless the hole is very small or nested with other holes it works without artifacts
  • you need to tweak the H,V line scan to meet your needs (or fill the map[][] inverted)
  • just find points instead of holes in map

After this you just use any triangulation ...

  • or make your own
  • because you have the convex/concave border info in H,V lines (duplicate flag)
  • if on single row or column are more lines then 1 with the same hole id
  • then you have to disect the mesh to obtain convex polygons from it

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