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Why Does My Submit Button Renders A Page That Is Blank When It Is Supposed To Contain The Data That Was Just Updated?

I'm trying to update the values of my database using a HTML Form. When I Click Edit it brings me to the edit the values above. However as I am clicking the submit button, it retur

Solution 1:

It may not resolve all your problems but it will be more readable as answer.

When you get data from HTML then you create new object SaveClaimForm and it will have new ID and you will have the same object in two rows.

You have to get original Claim from database and update values in this object and save it - and then it will save it with original ID and you will have only one `object in database

    context = initialize_context(request)
    user = context['user']

    # get original object     
    claims = SaveClaimForm.objects.get(id=id)

    if request.method == 'POST':

        # update original object = request.POST['name'] = request.POST['email']
        claims.claim = request.POST['claim']
        claims.claimtype = request.POST.get('claimtype')
        claims.description = request.POST['description']
        claims.receipt = request.FILES['receipt']
        claims.cheque = request.POST.get('Cheque')

        # save it with original `ID`
    return render(request, "Login/editclaims.html", {'claims':claims, 'user':user})


Django has special class ModelForm to create forms in HTML. It may also have methods to check if data in HTML are correct - ie. if fields are not empty, if email is correctly constructed (, if phone has only numbers, etc. So using ModelForm can be more useful then writing all manually in code.

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