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Repeating Elements To New Rows Elementtree

The code below takes a directory of XMLs files and parses them into a CSV fie. This was possible only for a user in this community. I have learned so much. from xml.etree import E

Solution 1:

This code should do:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from collections import defaultdict
import csv
from pathlib import Path

directory = '.'withopen('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

    headers = ['id', 'service_code', 'rational', 'qualify', 'description_num', 'description_txt', 'set_data_xin', 'set_data_xax', 'set_data_value', 'set_data_x']


    xml_files_list = list(map(str, Path(directory).glob('**/*.xml')))
    for xml_file in xml_files_list:
        tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
        root = tree.getroot()

        start_nodes = root.findall('.//START')
        for sn in start_nodes:
            row = defaultdict(str)

            repeated_values = dict()
            for k,v in sn.attrib.items():
                repeated_values[k] = v

            for rn in sn.findall('.//Rational'):
                repeated_values['rational'] = rn.text

            for qu in sn.findall('.//Qualify'):
                repeated_values['qualify'] = qu.text

            for ds in sn.findall('.//Description'):
                repeated_values['description_txt'] = ds.text
                repeated_values['description_num'] = ds.attrib['num']

            for st in sn.findall('.//SetData'):
                for k,v in st.attrib.items():
                    row['set_data_'+ str(k)] = v
                for key in repeated_values.keys():
                    row[key] = repeated_values[key]
                row_data = [row[i] for i in headers]
                row = defaultdict(str)


The problem is that all nodes of the XML document in the code from the question are getting written to CSV only once. Provided that we have SetData the most repeatable node we can use this to identify the number of times we have to write other data.

This approach would not work if this assumption is incorrect.

Solution 2:

Consider the special purpose language, XSLT, using Python's third-party module, lxml, to directly transform XML to CSV output. Specifically, have XSLT pull from the lower level, SetData and retrieve upper level information with ancestor.

XSLT(save as .xsl file, a special .xml file)

<xsl:stylesheetversion="1.0"xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:outputindent="yes"method="text"/><xsl:strip-spaceelements="*"/><xsl:variablename="delim">,</xsl:variable><xsl:templatematch="/ProjectData"><!------------------------------- HEADERS -------------------------------><xsl:text>id,service_code,rational,qualify,description_num,description,</xsl:text><xsl:text>data_file_dg,data_file_dg_id,data_file_unit,data_file_unit_id,</xsl:text><xsl:text>set_data_x,set_data_xin,set_data_xat,set_data_value&#xa;</xsl:text><!-----------------------------------------------------------------------><xsl:apply-templatesselect="descendant::SetData"/></xsl:template><xsl:templatematch="SetData"><xsl:value-ofselect="concat(ancestor::START/@id, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/@service_code, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/*[1]/Rational, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/*[1]/Qualify, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/Description/@num, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/Description, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/DataFile/@dg, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/DataFile/@dg_id, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/DataFile/@unit, $delim,
                                   ancestor::START/DataFile/@unit_id, $delim,
                                   @x, $delim,
                                   @xin, $delim,
                                   @xat, $delim,

Python(no for loops or if/else logic)

import lxml.etree as et

xml = et.parse('Input.xml')
xsl = et.parse('Script.xsl')

transform = et.XSLT(xsl)

result = transform(xml)

# id,service_code,rational,qualify,description_num,description,data_file_dg,data_file_dg_id,data_file_unit,data_file_unit_id,set_data_x,set_data_xin,set_data_xat,set_data_value# ID0001,0x5196,225196,6251960000A0DE,1213f2312,The parameter,12,let,,,,,,32# DG0003,0x517B,23423,342342,3423423f3423,The third,55,big,,,E1,,,21259# DG0003,0x517B,23423,342342,3423423f3423,The third,55,big,,,E2,,,02# ID0048,0x5198,225198,343243324234234,434234234,The forth,,,21,FEDS,,5,,323# ID0048,0x5198,225198,343243324234234,434234234,The forth,,,21,FEDS,,123,,555# ID0048,0x5198,225198,343243324234234,434234234,The forth,,,21,FEDS,,17,,23# SAVE XML TO CSVwithopen('Output.csv', 'wb') as f:

Online Demo

CSV Output

To loop across a folder of XML files, simply integrate above in a loop. Here wraps all XML processing into a single method to build a list of results via list comprehension and finally written to CSV iteratively. NOTE: For one set of headers, place headers only in CSV and remove from XSLT as indicated above.

import lxml.etree as et
from pathlib import Path

xsl = et.parse('Script.xsl')   # LOAD XML FILE ONCE (REMOVE HEADERS)defproc_xml(xml_file):     
    xml = et.parse(xml_file)   # LOAD XML FILE  
    transform = et.XSLT(xsl)   # INITIALIZE TRANSFORMER
    result = transform(xml)    # TRANSFORM INPUT    returnstr(result)

xml_files_list = list(map(str,Path(directory).glob('**/*.xml')))
results = [proc_xml(x) for x in xml_files_list]

withopen('Output.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:

    # SAVE XML TO CSVfor r in results:

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