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Override Signup View Django-allauth

I am asking user to fill extra fields with custom form. And in one of the fields, I have to let user choose multiple hierarchical tags. For this, I need to pass the tags from a vie

Solution 1:

This link has some details on using your own signup form. IMO, you can define your own form (eventually with a custom widget for the tags) and use it directly, without having to mess with the view.

Otherwise, @PauloAlmeida is correct. You could inherit a new class off SignupView with something like:

classMySignupView(SignupView):defget_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        ret = super(MySignupView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        ret['all_tags'] = Tags.get_tags()

        return ret

I'd rather use the custom form approach as it won't mess up the

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