Longest Substring With Non-repeating Character
Solution 1:
I've changed your function a bit to return the longest substring of unique characters instead of just length of it. If you want length - you can always get that from string.
:type input: str
:rtype: str
current = []
all_substrings = []
for c ininput:
if c in current:
cut_off = current.index(c) + 1
current = current[cut_off:]
current += c
longest = max(all_substrings, key=len)
return longest
longest = get_longest_substring("abababcdefc")
print(longest, len(longest))
Code goes through each char building a char array.
If it finds a char already in the array it keeps a copy of the array, cuts off beginning of it up to that character and keeps building it.
At the end it picks longest substring it found and returns it.
Solution 2:
I can suggest you this simple algorithm :
1. set all variables to empty.
2. for each letter ch in the string :
2.1. check if ch exists in the dict of the currrent found sub string ?
if it does - check if the cur' sub string longer then the max (maxSubStr initialyzed to "") ?, does - seve the cur' sub string in the max. set the dict of the currrent found sub string with the value ch, and set the current sub string to ch.
if it doen't - add ch to the dict of the currrent found sub string. and concat the cur' substring with ch.
3. return the length of the longest of the current substring and the max.
deflengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
curSubStr = ""
curSubStrDict = {}
maxSubStr = ""for ch in s :
if ch in curSubStrDict :
iflen(maxSubStr) < len(curSubStr):
maxSubStr = curSubStr
curSubStrDict = {}
curSubStrDict[ch] = ch
curSubStr = ""+ch
else :
curSubStrDict[ch] = ch
curSubStr += ch
returnlen(curSubStr) iflen(curSubStr) > len(maxSubStr) elselen(maxSubStr)
x = Solution()
print(x.lengthOfLongestSubstring("abcaabccdefgfgh")) # 5 = |cdefg|print(x.lengthOfLongestSubstring("abababcdef")) # 6 = |abcdef|
just like finding max element in an array, we "iterate over" (not actually iterate) the -substrings without repeating char- and saving the longest.
the iteration happens when we detect a char that contained in the current substring. than we iterate to the next substring.
Solution 3:
You are updating mlen
incorrectly in the else branch, you forgot to add current character. Also, you don't need to update mlen
when you meet a repetition:
if s[cur] in cur_ and cur_[s[cur]] >=start:
start= cur_[s[cur]] +1else:
mlen =max(mlen, cur -start+1)
cur_[s[cur]] = cur
cur = cur +1
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