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Python Word Length Function Example Needed

I'm having a little bit of trouble with my homework. I was supposed to write a function 'limitWords' that restricts input to twenty words and truncates the input down to only 20 w

Solution 1:

I think the list approach is quite viable -- you're almost there already.

Your text.split() already produces an array of words, so you can do:

words = text.split()
totalwords = len(words)

Then, you could select the first 20 as you say (if there's too many words), and join the array back together.

To join, look at str.join.

As an example:

# returns'eggs||and||ham'

Solution 2:

There is no problem in using lists here. You can do something like

>>>st = "abc def ghi">>>words = st.split()>>>words
['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
>>>iflen(words)>2:...print" ".join(words[:2])...
abc def

In the above case the word limit is 2 and I used List Slicing and str.join() to get the required output.

Solution 3:

Presuming the split() works as you intend, why not recombine the first 20 items into a string and return it?

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