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How Can Make Hashtag Clickable And Show It In The Post In Django?

User can make hashtag. Now I want to make hashtag clickable. Bellow is my for Hashtag: class Hashtag(models.Model): hashtagname = models.CharField(max_length=3000

Solution 1:

Have you tried using a hyperlink?

{% for readposts in readposts %}
{% endfor %}


myhashtag = request.GET.get('hashtag') 

request.GET.get gets the 'hashtag' variable from the link and and saves it to myhashtag variable.

then you can perform a query to search for myhashtag and return the info.

Solution 2:

Try to use this :-

put this in your working view :-

query = request.GET.gel('q')   
object_list = PostUser.objects.filter(hashtag__hashtagname__icontains=query)

context = {'object_list ':object_list}


template where you've done all your view work

{% for tags in object_list %}

{{ tags }}

{{ tags.hashtagname }}

{% endfor %}

Note :- This is not clickable. I want you to try this First.

Solution 3:

I made and in a folder name templatetags in my django app then in the wrote the code bellow and worked

import re
from django import template
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

register = template.Library()

    url = "/tags/{}/".format(tag)
    # or: url = reverse("hashtag", args=(tag,))return'<a href="{}">#{}</a>'.format(url, tag)

    return mark_safe(
        re.sub(r"#(\w+)", lambda m: create_hashtag_link(,

then in HTML I have loaded the

{% load app_extras %}

Then in my loop html I called the function

{% for readposts in readposts %}
{% endfor %}

and also my I have added

url(r'^tags/(?P<tags>\w+)/$', views.tags, name='tags'),

then of course a view for tag which in this case my view is

deftags(request, tags):
      readpostsuser   = PostUser.objects.filter(content__icontains = tags).order_by('-pk')

return render(request, 'front/tags.html', {'readpostsuser':readpostsuser})

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