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Create Unique Slug Django

I have a problem with creating unique slugs using django models. I want to allow the admin user to change the slug from the edit page in the admin. When a slug already exists there

Solution 1:

Try this. Didn't test it myself. But it should give you the idea.

import re
defsave(self, *args, **kwargs):
    ifnot # Createifnot self.slug: # slug is blank
            self.slug = slugify(self.page_title)
        else: # slug is not blank
            self.slug = slugify(self.slug)
    else: # Update
        self.slug = slugify(self.slug)

    qsSimilarName = Page.objects.filter(slug__startswith='self.slug')

    if qsSimilarName.count() > 0:
        seqs = []
        for qs in qsSimilarName:
            seq = re.findall(r'{0:s}_(\d+)'.format(self.slug), qs.slug)
            if seq: seqs.append(int(seq[0]))

        if seqs: self.slug = '{0:s}_{1:d}'.format(self.slug, max(seqs)+1)

    super(Page, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Three problems in your code.

  1. The first else means either or self.slug is NOT blank. So if is NOT blank and self.slug is blank, self.slug will not get a value.
  2. slug_exits == slug will always be False, because slug_exits is a Model object and slug is a string. This is why you get the error!
  3. You did a query in the loop, which may cause lots of hits to the DB.

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