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Alter Namespace Prefixing With Elementtree In Python

By default, when you call ElementTree.parse(someXMLfile) the Python ElementTree library prefixes every parsed node with it's namespace URI in Clark's Notation: {http://example

Solution 1:

You don't specifically need to use iterparse. Instead, the following script:

from cStringIO import StringIO
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

NS_MAP = {
    '' : 'rdc',
    '' : 'mx',
    '' : 'oth',

DATA = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rdc:containerxmlns:mx=""xmlns:rdc=""xmlns:oth=""><mx:Style><oth:style1/></mx:Style><mx:Style><oth:style2/></mx:Style><mx:Style><oth:style3/></mx:Style></rdc:container>'''

tree = ET.parse(StringIO(DATA))
some_node = tree.getroot().getchildren()[1]
print ET.fixtag(some_node.tag, NS_MAP)
some_node = some_node.getchildren()[0]
print ET.fixtag(some_node.tag, NS_MAP)


('mx:Style', None)
('oth:style2', None)

Which shows how you can access the fully-qualified tag names of individual nodes in a parsed tree. You should be able to adapt this to your specific needs.

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