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Unnest (explode) Multiple List 2.0

Background The following code is modified from here Efficient way to unnest (explode) multiple list columns in a pandas DataFrame I create a dataframe import pandas as pd df = pd.

Solution 1:

Just fix your output by adding ffill

df.set_index('Ban').apply(lambda x: x.apply(pd.Series).stack()).groupby(level=0).ffill().reset_index(drop=True)
  Ban App   C   D   E
0  v1  x1  c2  d1  e1
1  v1  x1  c2  d2  e2
2  v2  x2  c3  d3  e3
3  v2  x2  c4  d4  e4
4  v3  x3  c5  d5  e5
5  v3  x3  c6  d6  e6
6  v4  x4  c7  d7  e7
7  v4  x4  c8  d8  e8

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