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Django: Link To Url In Template When Function Is In A View In Another Directory?

I'm trying to display comments in a template like this: {{ url note.note }} {{ url note.note_by }} My problem is that my template is in another directory from where the view that

Solution 1:

Django's reverse url resolver has one job. It takes the arguments fed to it(either through the {% url ... %}" template tag or the urlresolves.reverse in your python code.

As long as your code is in a valid Django configuration(Below) at start up time the directories templates and views are in isn't relevant. This particular example assumes you've included your apps in the configuration and that your root includes entries that delegate to the files in the individual apps main and notes

- templates
     - main.html
     - notes.html
- main
- notes

What do you need for this to work

so first lets look at main I have to create a view function in

from django.shortcuts import render

    return render(request, 'main.html', {})

and a entry in main/

from django.conf.urls import url

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', main, name='main'),

So this is my main view. Lets assume I want to include a <ul> with links to various notes from my other app. First things first I need to create a note/<note_id> view. I am using the <note_id> parameter to address my note entries.

in notes/ I create a notes function that takes an note_id keyword argument.

    #... Get note from database and put in contextreturn render(request, 'notes.html', {})

then create a notes/ entry for the view we've created.

from django.conf.urls import url, patterns
urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^(?P<note_id>[0-9]+)/?$','notes', name='notes'),

We then need to pull this all together using the root file

from django.conf.urls import include, url

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^main/', include('main.urls')),
    url(r'^notes/', include('notes.urls')),

So lets stop. What do we have right now? We have a view called main that binds context to the main.html template and returns as a response some markup. We also have a entry that tells the web server how to reach that view. We have the exact same thing for a view called notes in a different app. Finally, we have a root that pull my app-specific files into the top-level.

What do we want to do? We want to include in main.html a <ul> filled with valid url references to our notes.

Since we already have everything setup this is easy we use the {% url ... %} template tag with the appropriate information to resolve entries from our files.

In our main.html template we simply add something like this...

<ul><li><ahref="{% url "notes" note_id=1 %}">note 1</a></li><li><ahref="{% url "notes" note_id=2 %}">note 2</a></li><li><ahref="{% url "notes" note_id=3 %}">note 3</a></li></ul>

and when main.html is invoked the markup above will look something like...

<ul><li><ahref="/notes/1">note 1</a></li><li><ahref="/notes/2">note 2</a></li><li><ahref="/notes/3">note 3</a></li></ul>

The important thing to remember here is what url and urlresolver.reverse actually do. They take a view name and some arguments and they convert them into a valid url as a string. Its a DRY approach to url management because later if you change notes to notes_important or something all of the templates will automatically fix everything for you.

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