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Avoiding Duplicating Graph In Tensorflow (lstm Model)

I have the following simplified code (actually, unrolled LSTM model): def func(a, b): with tf.variable_scope('name'): res = tf.add(a, b) print( return

Solution 1:

You should take a look at the source code of tf.nn.dynamic_rnn, specifically _dynamic_rnn_loop function at python/ops/ - it's solving the same problem. In order not blow up the graph, it's using tf.while_loop to reuse the same graph ops for new data. But this approach adds several restrictions, namely the shape of tensors that are passing through in a loop must be invariant. See the examples in tf.while_loop documentation:

i0 = tf.constant(0)
m0 = tf.ones([2, 2])
c = lambda i, m: i < 10
b = lambda i, m: [i+1, tf.concat([m, m], axis=0)]
    c, b, loop_vars=[i0, m0],
    shape_invariants=[i0.get_shape(), tf.TensorShape([None, 2])])

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