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Scraping Fanduel Sportsbook For Odds With Beautiful Soup

So i'm very new to web scraping with python and I have a question regarding a project i'm working on. I'm attempting to implement a betting strategy based off of something called t

Solution 1:

So you can get the XHR rquest url by looking at the Dev Tools -> Network tab -> XHR.

It'll return a json structure (which is nested) so you'll have to parse it some way (which I did in the function). It just grabs everything, so if you want specific columns, you can just filter out what you need from the dataframes:

Just remember me when you become a millionaire ;-)...

import requests
import pandas as pd
from import json_normalize
from functools import reduce

def parse_data(jsonData):
    results_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for alpha in jsonData['events']:
        print ('Gathering %s data: %s @ %s' %(alpha['sportname'],alpha['participantname_away'],alpha['participantname_home']))
        alpha_df = json_normalize(alpha).drop('markets',axis=1)
        for beta in alpha['markets']:
            beta_df = json_normalize(beta).drop('selections',axis=1)
            beta_df.columns = [str(col) + '.markets' for col in beta_df.columns]
            for theta in beta['selections']:
                theta_df = json_normalize(theta)
                theta_df.columns = [str(col) + '.selections' for col in theta_df.columns]

                temp_df = reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right, left_index=True, right_index=True), [alpha_df, beta_df, theta_df])
                results_df = results_df.append(temp_df, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)

    return results_df

jsonData_fanduel_nfl = requests.get('').json()
jsonData_fanduel_nba = requests.get('').json()
jsonData_fanduel_cbb = requests.get('').json()

nfl = parse_data(jsonData_fanduel_nfl)
nba = parse_data(jsonData_fanduel_nba)
cbb = parse_data(jsonData_fanduel_cbb)


print (nba.head(10).to_string()) awaypitchername awayscoreline competitorcode.selections competitornumber.selections              currenthandicap.selections currentmatchhandicap.selections  currentpricedown.selections  currentpriceup.selections currentscore.selections estimatepricedown.selections estimatepriceup.selections eventlistcode                               eventname              ewfactor.selections                     externaldescription hadvalue.selections homepitchername homescoreline idfobolifestate.selections  idfoevent  idfomarket.selections idfomeeting idfoparticipant.selections  idfoparticipant_away  idfoparticipant_home  idfoselection.selections idfoselectionsuspensiontype.selections   idfosport idfosporttype.selections idfotemplateselection.selections  internalorder  internalorder.selections iscurrentlistoffer.selections  islive  ismatch  israce  istradable jockeyname.selections jockeysilks.selections listcode.selections listsubcode.selections lowerband.selections                name.selections nontradableon.selections  noofmarkets participantname_away participantname_home  price.selections resultpositionfinal.selections  selectionhashcode.selections selexternaldescription.selections shortname.selections sportname sppricedown.selections sppriceup.selections teletextname.selections              tsstart upperband.selections
0       False            None          None                     TP                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                      215.5                        215.5                           215.5                         23.0                       20.0                    None                    HP,O                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   U            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  OU          30740246.3             30740246.3                      TOTAL                          None                 45773.1                       4778.1        None                       None             1912153.3             1912141.3               106258137.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                   5002                        20                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                 True                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE  Total Points (half-point line)                Under                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.869565                           None                         29505                              None                Under       NBA                   None                 None                   Under  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
1       False            None          None                     TP                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                      215.5                        215.5                           215.5                         21.0                       20.0                    None                    HP,O                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   O            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  OU          30740246.3             30740246.3                      TOTAL                          None                 45773.1                       4778.1        None                       None             1912153.3             1912141.3               106258175.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                   5002                        10                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                 True                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE  Total Points (half-point line)                 Over                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.952381                           None                          6650                              None                 Over       NBA                   None                 None                    Over  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
2       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                    CP         None                          1.0                         1.0                          3                            3                               3                         11.0                       10.0                    None                    H,HP                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   H            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740333.3             30740333.3                       SIDE                          None                 45778.1                       4777.1        None                1.92111e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259029.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                      2                      1010                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                  Spread Betting  Cleveland Cavaliers                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.909091                           None                         47283                              None            Cleveland       NBA                   None                 None     Cleveland Cavaliers  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
3       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                    CP         None                          1.0                         1.0                          3                            3                               3                         11.0                       10.0                    None                    H,HP                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   A            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740333.3             30740333.3                       SIDE                          None                 45778.1                       4777.1        None                1.92113e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259067.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                      2                        10                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                  Spread Betting      Detroit Pistons                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.909091                           None                           987                              None            Detroit P       NBA                   None                 None         Detroit Pistons  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
4       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                        3.5                          3.5                             3.5                         23.0                       20.0                    None                    H,HP                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   H            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740357.3             30740357.3                       SIDE                          None                 45778.1                       4777.1        None                1.92111e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259194.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                   5001                      1010                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE        Spread (half-point line)  Cleveland Cavaliers                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.869565                           None                         44903                              None            Cleveland       NBA                   None                 None     Cleveland Cavaliers  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
5       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                        3.5                          3.5                             3.5                         21.0                       20.0                    None                    H,HP                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   A            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740357.3             30740357.3                       SIDE                          None                 45778.1                       4777.1        None                1.92113e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259237.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                   5001                        10                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE        Spread (half-point line)      Detroit Pistons                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.952381                           None                         42219                              None            Detroit P       NBA                   None                 None         Detroit Pistons  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
6        True            None          None                     ML                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                       None                         None                            None                         25.0                       33.0                    None                    None                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   H            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740385.3             30740385.3                      MONEY                          None                  4937.1                       3842.1        None                1.92111e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259265.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                      1                      1010                          None    True                   False     True                        False               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                       Moneyline  Cleveland Cavaliers                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          2.320000                           None                         23349                              None            Cleveland       NBA                   None                 None     Cleveland Cavaliers  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
7        True            None          None                     ML                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                CP,SGM         None                          1.0                         1.0                       None                         None                            None                         39.0                       25.0                    None                    None                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                 1+             Game Lines                   A            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740385.3             30740385.3                      MONEY                          None                  4937.1                       3842.1        None                1.92113e+06             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259271.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                      1                        10                          None    True                   False     True                        False               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                       Moneyline      Detroit Pistons                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.641026                           None                         16669                              None            Detroit P       NBA                   None                 None         Detroit Pistons  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
8       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                    CP         None                          1.0                         1.0                        1.5                          1.5                             1.5                         28.0                       25.0                    None                    None                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                1-2               1st Half                   H            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740405.3             30740405.3                       SIDE                          None                 47598.1                       5303.1        None                       None             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259531.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                    202                      1010                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                 1st Half Spread  Cleveland Cavaliers                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.892857                           None                         30949                              None            Cleveland       NBA                   None                 None     Cleveland Cavaliers  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None
9       False            None          None                     PS                      None                        None  A,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8...                    CP         None                          1.0                         1.0                        1.5                          1.5                             1.5                         27.0                       25.0                    None                    None                         None                       None     1771|1772  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                None  Detroit Pistons At Cleveland Cavaliers                             3                1-2               1st Half                   A            None          None                          N   795248.3           795248.3                  HA          30740405.3             30740405.3                       SIDE                          None                 47598.1                       5303.1        None                       None             1912153.3             1912141.3               106259532.3                                   None  BASKETBALL            BASKETBALL               BASKETBALL                             None             10                    202                        10                          None    True                   False     True                         True               False   False        True                True                          False                False                  None                   None                None                   None                 None                              None  E795248.3|SCORE                 1st Half Spread      Detroit Pistons                     None          287      Detroit Pistons  Cleveland Cavaliers                  None          1.925926                           None                         13664                              None            Detroit P       NBA                   None                 None         Detroit Pistons  2020-01-07T19:10:00  2020-01-07T19:10:00             None              None                 None

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