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Showing posts from August, 2022

Python: Isinstance() Undefined Global Name

I'm new with Python and I'm trying to use classes to program using objects as I do with C++… Read more Python: Isinstance() Undefined Global Name

Python Runtime: Recompiling And Reusing C Library

I am developing a tool for some numerical analysis of user-defined functions. The idea is to make a… Read more Python Runtime: Recompiling And Reusing C Library

Python3 Split() With Generator

In Python3 many methods are returning iterator or generator objects (instead of lists or other heav… Read more Python3 Split() With Generator

Calculate A New Column With Pandas

Based on this Question, I would like to know how can I use a def() to calculate a new column with P… Read more Calculate A New Column With Pandas

Tensorflow Equivalent For Numpy Indexed Assignment

What is the pseudo(*)-equivalent in Tensorflow for this? array[array < 50] = 0 # numpy I guess … Read more Tensorflow Equivalent For Numpy Indexed Assignment

Creating A Nested Dictionary Comprehension In Python 2.7

I have a nested tuple returned from a MySQL cursor.fetchall() containing some results in the form (… Read more Creating A Nested Dictionary Comprehension In Python 2.7

Django : How To Access Current Logged In User's Id In Javascript?

I have defined a get_queryset method in a viewset. class BooksViewSet(ReadOnlyModelViewSet): se… Read more Django : How To Access Current Logged In User's Id In Javascript?

Why Doesn't .strip() Remove Whitespaces?

I have a function that begins like this: def solve_eq(string1): string1.strip(' ') … Read more Why Doesn't .strip() Remove Whitespaces?

Broadcast Advanced Indexing Numpy

I have an array of values for example x = array([[[-0.78867513, -0.21132487, 0. , 0.788675… Read more Broadcast Advanced Indexing Numpy

Error While Running Test Case

I need to test my code below. I am using one test to see if it is working or not. but dont know wha… Read more Error While Running Test Case

How Overwrite Response Class In Django Rest Framework ( DRF )?

I want to overwrite Response class of django rest framework so that response back responsive dictio… Read more How Overwrite Response Class In Django Rest Framework ( DRF )?

How To Create A Custom Generator Class That Is Correctly Garbage Collected

I'm trying to write a class in Python that behaves as a generator object, particularly in that … Read more How To Create A Custom Generator Class That Is Correctly Garbage Collected

Internal Server Error While Entering Points Using JSON In InfluxDB

I am trying to Enter points using JSON in InfluxDB version 0.9. I run localhost:8083 on my browser.… Read more Internal Server Error While Entering Points Using JSON In InfluxDB

Recursively Set All Files And Folders To 777 From This List

I've tried endlessly searching for a solution to this, but couldn't seem to find out. I hav… Read more Recursively Set All Files And Folders To 777 From This List

SimpleHTTPServer Add Default.htm Default.html To Index Files

I always use $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer for fast local static web testing, it works great with in… Read more SimpleHTTPServer Add Default.htm Default.html To Index Files

Issues Understanding How To Use Jython

I've just started learning Jython, and I'm having some issues with implementation. I've… Read more Issues Understanding How To Use Jython

How Do I Do A Range Regex In Ruby Like Awk /start/,/stop/

I want to do an AWK-style range regex like this: awk ' /hoststatus/,/\}/' file In AWK this… Read more How Do I Do A Range Regex In Ruby Like Awk /start/,/stop/

I Need Help With A Python Script I Am Trying To Adapt For A Specific Need

I am a total newbie with Python, I normally use Perl. I have an Arduino wired up with some servos I… Read more I Need Help With A Python Script I Am Trying To Adapt For A Specific Need

Problems With Umlauts In Python Appdata Environvent Variable

I can't find a correct way to get the environment variable for the appdata path in python. The … Read more Problems With Umlauts In Python Appdata Environvent Variable

Settings.DATABASES Is Improperly Configured. Please Supply The NAME Value

I know people asked similar question before. But it's all about the engine value. does any one … Read more Settings.DATABASES Is Improperly Configured. Please Supply The NAME Value

Resource Temporarily Unavailable Error With Subprocess Module In Python

In Python, I spawn a gnuplot process to generate gif images from a data set. from subprocess import… Read more Resource Temporarily Unavailable Error With Subprocess Module In Python

ParameterError: Audio Buffer Is Not Finite Everywhere

While using the following code on one of the sound files of Urban Sound Dataset, s, r = librosa.loa… Read more ParameterError: Audio Buffer Is Not Finite Everywhere

How Do I One Hot Encode Along A Specific Dimension Using PyTorch?

I have a tensor of size [3, 15, 136], where: 3 is batch size 15 - sequence length and 136 is token… Read more How Do I One Hot Encode Along A Specific Dimension Using PyTorch?

What Is The Proper Way To Write To The Google App Engine Blobstore As A File In Python 2.5

I am currently exceeding the soft memory limit when I try to do simple writes to the Google App Eng… Read more What Is The Proper Way To Write To The Google App Engine Blobstore As A File In Python 2.5

Django Change Model's Field Type From CharField To JSONField

I am using Django 1.11 , I have been using CharField in Models, and dumping data in it using json.d… Read more Django Change Model's Field Type From CharField To JSONField

Assigning Dtype Value Using Array.dtype = In NumPy Arrays Gives Ambiguous Results

I am new to programming and numpy... While reading tutorials and experimenting on jupyter-notebook.… Read more Assigning Dtype Value Using Array.dtype = In NumPy Arrays Gives Ambiguous Results

Find Indices Of Duplicate Rows In Pandas DataFrame

What is the pandas way of finding the indices of identical rows within a given DataFrame without it… Read more Find Indices Of Duplicate Rows In Pandas DataFrame

How To Execute Javascript Code From Python With Arguments

Executing javascript from python using How can I execute JavaScript code from… Read more How To Execute Javascript Code From Python With Arguments