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Install And Make Tkinter Work On AWS EC2 Instance

I am desperately trying to make tkinter work on my EC2 instance. I just want to be able to execute this line in python: from tkinter import * or this one for older version as f

Solution 1:

Tkinter requires a display. Unless you can somehow access a desktop on the AWS instance, you won't be able to load tkinter, much less use it.

Solution 2:

After the previous answers I realized why it was not working so I made it work using an EC2 Ubuntu instance and doing the following:

  export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  sudo -E apt-get update
  sudo -E apt-get install -y ubuntu-desktop
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo aptitude install -y freenx
  tar -xvf nxsetup.tar.gz
  sudo cp nxsetup /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup
  sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup --install 

Then said no when asked for a password and did:

  sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set PasswordAuthentication to yes
  sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  sudo passwd ubuntu
  sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Once this was done I installed NX client on my local machine. All this thanks to this page

Connected to my new server where I was able to install python-tk like that:

 sudo apt-get install python-tk

And now I can use tkinter on my instance :)

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